I have long seen the embodied experience that we are having here on the Earth as a deeply sacred one. We, being humanity and all that we fellowship with, each other, the elements, the planet's fauna and flora and all that we can perceive beyond them. Our senses, touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing, as well as a sixth sense located within the "heart", reveal the expansiveness of life and serve as doorways to a hallowed and blessed journey. It is a journey that evolves us as we encounter and are touched by the beauty intrinsic to it. Beauty has the power to stir us from one state of being to another more sublime.
Joseph Weber
I began my studies in Fine Arts as a figurative painter working in oil, but quickly discovered my passion for three dimensions. These passions were emblazoned while abroad in Europe working on minor in Art History. The Louvre, The Tate, The Uffizi, St. Mark's, Notre Dame, Canterbury, Musée Rodin, Musée d'Orsay, Chartres, and so many more locales were my classroom, face to face with the greatest art by the greatest artists of their eras. Back in the States I finished my studies with a B.F.A. from the Northern Arizona Museum School of Fine Art with an emphasis in sculpture and bronze casting. Today I work in a variety of mediums from wood to steel, most often inspired by themes relating to Comparative Mythology and Religious/Spiritual Symbolism. My personal soul's odyssey has planted me in the bucolic beauty of West Marin. Here, ancient redwoods, lonely coastlines and fields of wavy grasses inspire a very creative and contemplative lifestyle.

Emerson defines art as the "illusion of a loftier reality." As an artist, I strive to evoke the loftier reality inherent in the human experience, in its cycles and life stages, in its myths and rituals, in the constructs that we have devised to bring meaning and reverence to the road from birth to death and beyond. I strive to create objects that honor a soul's growth, objects infused with meaning, beauty and sacred intent. I strive to create objects that mark thresholds and recognize transformations, and I strive to create objects that celebrate, venerate and commemorate the soul's odyssey through this thing called life.

Contact me for commission inquires, questions or comments.
P: 415.488.4846
PO Box 992
Woodacre California